Two Institutions Becoming One

The Beginnings

The Collegiate Institute for Young Ladies & St. Margaret’s School for Girls

1865 to 1869

大学女子学院成立于1865年,由牧师R.G. Williams and his wife for its first four years. The school was located on Cooke and Grove Streets in downtown Waterbury. 

1869 to 1875

大学女子学院在牧师的领导下先后换了几任校长. R.G. 由于严重的财政问题,威廉姆斯和他的妻子被关闭了一年. 

1875 to 1882

On June 8, 1875, Rev. Francis Thayer Russell, assistant minister at St. John’s Church, 在沃特伯里社区的帮助下还清了学校的债务,并获得了特许状. 该物业被提交给圣公会教堂作为教区学校,并更名为圣. 玛格丽特女子学校,以苏格兰女王玛格丽特及其模范的价值观和美德命名. 

Dr. Russell became Rector. The first reunion for St. 玛格丽特的毕业典礼于1882年6月16日举行,女校友协会成立.

1882 to 1907

Over the next two decades, St. Margaret’s School began to offer extracurriculars such as sports teams, Glee Club, a literary magazine and a yearbook. In 1891, 希拉德小姐被任命为副校长,并在接下来的16年里担任校长,直到1907年离开.

1907 to 1913

After sixteen years, 希拉德小姐辞去校长一职,由艾米丽·加德纳·门罗小姐接替. The connection to the Episcopal Church was maintained and the Rev. John Lewis was appointed Rector of St. Margaret’s. During this time, 门罗小姐改进了课程,要求学生熟练掌握更少的科目,大学课程也得到了加强.

1913 to 1928

*1910 McTernan School Opens

Alberta C. Edell, a graduate of Columbia University came to St. Margaret’s as an instructor in the fall of 1913. Over the course of a decade, 埃德尔小姐积累了经验,被任命为现任校长的接班人, Miss Munro, in 1923. 

1928 to 1948

Meanwhile, the Trustees recognized that the current enrollment was overcapacity, so plans for the new campus moved forward, 1928年秋天,5-12年级搬到了蔡斯公园路上的新校舍. 这座砖砌的新建筑坐落在一个小山丘上,俯瞰着沃特伯里市,图书馆和客厅以弗雷德里克·J. Kingsbury and Augustus S. Chase, two benefactors and trustees of the school. 

Soon a building named St. 玛格丽特的“小学校”建在哥伦比亚大道上,取代了原来的学校,招收K-4年级的女孩.

1948 to 1949

在担任了25年的女校长之后,埃德尔小姐于1948年6月退休. Miss Ruth Chandler (later Mrs. Douglas Auld Shepardson) was appointed to fill the position. Miss Chandler had come to St. Margaret's in 1920 and taught English for 28 years. Under her administration, St. 玛格丽特学校被邀请成立了优等生协会的一个分会,这是康涅狄格州第一所获此殊荣的女子学校.

At this time, all students, faculty and classes were housed in just one building, 因此,计划开始扩大学校的实体工厂,以满足增加的入学人数所带来的需求.

1949 to 1956

On November 18, 1949, Miss Winifred F. 派恩被任命为临时校长,直到Pauline S. Fairbanks as Headmistress in June 1950. 费尔班克斯小姐很快就参与了建筑维护和资本开发活动. In 1954, the Memorial Building was dedicated. Today, the building is known as Camp Hall and houses the Lower School.

In recognition of the importance of alumnae to the school, 三名毕业生于1951年当选为校董会成员. 然后在1956年,Miriam Noble Camp '17被选为董事会的正式成员.

1956 to 1962

1961年,沃特伯里市中心的这处房产被卖给了麦克特南学校. Margaret's was now wholly encompassed on the Chase Parkway campus.

The new campus continued to grow. 学校附近的三处房产被购买来供教师居住, administrators and the Alumnae Office. In 1962, as part of the School's Centennial Progress Program, a Butler building was given to the school by Charles E. Fulkerson and was restructured on the campus. 富尔克森大厅设有体育馆、礼堂、语言实验室和日间学生设施. Known today as the Fulkerson Arts Center, 该建筑继续作为体育馆和礼堂,艺术工作室和摄影暗室现在位于. 艺术中心也是汉兰达剧院公司的所在地,这是学校的戏剧团体.

1965 to 1967

1965年,为庆祝学校成立100周年,百年图书馆落成. The building known as the Upper School was constructed in 1967.

1967 to 1972

Upon her retirement, Miss Fairbanks was replaced by Mr. Pierson Melcher in 1968, who served until 1972 when Dr. Audrey Cook was named Interim Headmistress.
寄宿学生数量的减少迫使校董会考虑改造圣. Margaret's into a day school and the option of merging St. Margaret's with another school to create a coeducational institution. Because there had always been a close association between St. 玛格丽特学校和麦克特南学校,合并这两个机构似乎是合乎逻辑的. This option was supported by the Boards of Trustees of both schools, and in 1972, the two schools merged to create St. Margaret's-McTernan School, a non-denominational, coeducational country day school located on the Chase Parkway campus.

New Beginnings

The McTernan School

1910 to 1912

In 1910, Mr. 查尔斯·麦克特南认识到需要一所私立学校,为当地男孩进入大学预科学校做准备.

1912 to 1916

Mr. 沃特伯里的弗雷德里克·蔡斯聘请了查尔斯·麦克特南来指导他的儿子们. 1912年,在他的所有权和财政援助下,杰出的恩人,如. Chase, Mr. Merriman and Dr. Munger, the McTernan School was established.

After establishing his own school in a rented building behind St. Margaret's School at Cooke and Grove Streets, Mr. 麦克特南在几位当地商人的帮助下在哥伦比亚大道购买了土地.

1916 to 1917

In 1916, a new school building was erected.

1917 to 1938

In 1917, a house was built to the rear of the new school to house faculty and the McTernan family; in 1925, 校长楼是为一个小型的寄宿部门而建的. 从1928年开始,这三座相连的建筑被用作一个设施. Many boys had been students at St. 玛格丽特的“小学校”K-2年级,然后参加了麦克特南学校3-8年级.

1938 to 1945

In 1938, Mr. 麦克特南将他的学校转让给了一个董事会,作为一个非营利机构来运营.

1945 to 1970

Mr. 伯克利·霍奇基斯是麦克特南学校的毕业生和教师,1946年被任命为校长. 他在课程中加入了语言训练和体育运动,并在1955年成功筹集资金后建造了一座新的体育馆.

Mr. Winston Ranft, teacher and coach who had been appointed Assistant Headmaster in 1952, was appointed Headmaster to succeed Mr. Hotchkiss. 在他担任校长期间,麦克特南学校通过购买St. 玛格丽特的“小学校”,并重组为从幼儿园到九年级的男孩和从幼儿园到四年级的女孩. Mr. Ranft directed the school until 1970 when he moved to Florida.

1970 to 1972

In 1970, Mr. Clayton B. Spencer succeeded Mr. 直到1972年,他被任命为新合并的St. Margaret's-McTernan School.

Moving Forward

2005 - Today

Chase Collegiate School

In 2005, St. Margaret's-McTernan School changed its name to Chase Collegiate School. The new name honors the Chase family, which helped to found both St. 玛格丽特和麦克特南,并保留了学校原来的名字.

" class="hidden">河北旅游职业学院